Our Valued Business Partners
We couldn’t do what we do without these incredible businesses supporting us. They make if possible for us to bring you the logistics magic to that makes your business successful.

Tim and Rob Gray from Prophit systems are gurus in inventory planning and forecasting. They developed the Autostock inventory planning system for distribution businesses and are also world class experts in advanced manufacturing planning and scheduling.

Walter Chang from Upimium is the brains behind the very innovative warehouse management system that we sell and implement. Walter developed his expertise implementing Highjump WMS and then went one better with Upimium.

Danny Ing from Cin7 realised the need for a highly connected cloud inventory management system some years ago and has realised his vision brilliantly. We are proud to be an implementation partner with Cin7

Myfreight are one of Australia’s leading freight brokers. They have an innovative freight management service which is supported by an award winning freight management system. Logistics Help are agents for Myfreight in NSW.

Tim Richardson from GrowthPath, based in Melbourne, is a finance guru with big corporate expertise but now helping SMEs with financial consulting and implementation services for Cloud ERP, Accounting, CRM and Business Intelligence systems. Tim is a hugely experienced consultant and his site publishes helpful detail on cloud systems that you don’t find anywhere else. We are working to help each other grow into our respective territories.

Referral Partners
These are businesses we are happy to refer you to when you need products and services that are out of scope for us. They run businesses with great integrity and won’t let you down. (coming soon – call us if you need help finding a service provider)
Partner with Logistics Help
Logistics Help is a growing and innovative logistics consultancy focused on serving small and medium enterprises. If you have an innovative logistics product and need an implementation partner or are a sell products and services into the SME marke and would like to develop a referral relationship with us then please get in touch.