Autostock Inventory Planning System

There is arguably no more important activity in the supply chain than inventory planning

Advanced Inventory Planning System for Small & Medium Distribution Businesses

Autostock is an advanced inventory planning system for small and medium distribution businesses such as wholesalers, retailers, trade suppliers and online retailers. Autostock gives you control over your inventory supply process and stock levels to help prevent lost sales and customer disappointment from running out of stock and the tragic loss of capital from writing off obsolete, unsaleable over stocks. Autostock provides advanced inventory planning capability that is missing from most business systems and was previously only available to large corporations with deep pockets. Helping you get control of your stock levels with Autostock is, without doubt, the single most valuable thing Logistics Help can do for you, with the highest payback of any investment you could make in your business.

How does the Autostock inventory planning system help?

Autostock provides a very sophisticated system for inventory planning based on statistical forecasting and time phased planning calculations that better fit reality and help you manage the supply and demand problem much more accurately.

Autostock helps you plan your inventory purchases quickly and simply. Autostock highlights the overstocks and understocks and drives you to actively manage your inventory investment. This allows you to put effort into inventory management activities that have a very high value yield such as collaborative forecasting within your business and with customers and suppliers, and reducing overstocks.

Active inventory planning creates a virtuous circle of high service levels, increased sales due to more reliable supply, more repeat business and more sales, lower stock wastage due to obsolescence, less discounting due to overstock; all resulting in higher cash flow, lower stock investment, lower warehousing costs, broader product range in the same warehouse space – (and more sales), more customers – even more sales.

An Autostock implementation with Logistics Help is really about improving your business process to create this virtuous circle that delivers results for your business. The software is a key tool, but the aim is better process that drives improved business performance.
​And that in essence is the Logistics Help difference.

Why Autostock?

Rapid implementation

Simple integration with your business system and easy to learn software make Autostock quick to get up and running in your business in a matter of weeks.

The implementation is fully supported by Logistics Help to ensure you get the results you expect. During the implementation we design new business processes and procedures and help you develop inventory management policies that will keep your stock lean and customer service level high.

Return on investment

Autostock can generate large reductions in inventory investment and warehouse storage space requirements that free up cash and capacity to invest in other areas of your business. It also makes your inventory planners more productive so they can focus on more value adding inventory management activities.

Manage multiple sites

If you manage multiple warehouses or replenish retail stores from a central DC then Autostock can be extended to manage multiple sites. Autostock’s DRP module will roll up the demand from your branches for centralised purchasing and plan replenishment transfers to each branch. The efficiency of Autostock’s planning process allows one person to plan thousands of items over multiple sites.

The Autostock inventory planning process

Set up your data

Autostock makes setting up your data for advanced planning easy. Review your items alongside their sales history and item categories so you can quickly set buying strategies and ABC classifications.

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Manage your forecast

Auto stock will automatically choose one of nine different statistical forecast methods and account for seasonal variations to find the best forecast for each item.

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Manage multiple sites

Set your planning parameters for customer service level by ABC class and your expected purchase frequency and run the planning calculations. Review and modify the suggestions, see your total spend and inventory levels over the next 13 months. Export your plan to your business system to automatically create purchase and transfer orders.

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Autostock Inventory Planning


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+61 2 8078 6903

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