Scale Without Stress
You can transform your business by creating high performance logistics operations that competes with the best in the world so you can Scale Without Stress.
Implement a Plan not a Product
Logistics Help are specialist warehouse and logistics consultants* for Small and Medium Enterprises (SME). We are breaking the systemic strangle-hold of large corporations on efficient logistics by bringing you their tactics and technology. But this is not simple or easy. Too often a business will latch on to a technical marvel they see somewhere and implement it without considering how well it fits into their business. The result is often a failed implementation, or one so compromised it fails to deliver a benefit. Either way, the money and opportunity is wasted.
* We call them Logistics Linchpins because they are indispensable to your success.
Our approach is different because it considers the whole of your business operations and optimises the entire logistics system. Following our five step SPITO methodology (see below) we help you optimise the three functional areas of your logistics operations – inventory, warehousing and freight, with better physical infrastructure and more efficient processes supported by the latest software and technology and operated by capable staff. Ensuring that all of our work is aligned with your business strategy so that you achieve your goals.
We start with a free 30 minute Logistics Checkup to identify the key issues and potential value hidden in your logistics. Once we have identified the value we can help you create, we will review your operations in more detail to develop a logistics plan to help you create that value. We expect to find at least 10X the cost of the review (often a lot more) in recurrent annual savings or enabling business growth. Then we help you implement the plan. Our projects typically create a return of 50% – 200% p.a. for our clients, representing a payback period between 6 and 24 months.
Our Vision
To make advanced logistics optimisation available to everyone
Our vision is to enable you to take care of your logistics operations with extraordinary competence and capability by helping you implement advanced logistics optimisation so that you can focus on the areas of your business that excite you.
- So that waste and cost in the world’s supply chains are continuously reduced
- So that commerce everywhere can flourish
- So that any business can Scale Without Stress
The 21st century has completely changed what is possible in software and technology. Our understanding of how to optimise the processes that run the world is increasing exponentially. Personal productivity is now immensely higher than even a decade ago. Improvements in computing power, cloud software and the continual improvement in the performance to price ratio of technology is enabling advanced optimisation ideas to be applied to drive massive productivity growth. But too many businesses are missing this wave and risk being disrupted out of existence. Many small and medium sized businesses (SMBs) are stuck using 20th century practice and technology due to a lack of knowledge and expertise. The best ideas in the world are useless if you don’t implement them.
There is a dearth of expert knowledge and technology transfer between the large corporate sector and the smaller scale tiers of business, because what they need is not taught at TAFE or University, it can only be learned on the job working on improvement projects in large corporations. The people with this knowledge generally stay in the corporate world because that is where the work is.
Andrew J Clark, The Logistics Linchpin, recognised the widening gulf between large corporations and smaller businesses and has stepped out of working with big business and focused on helping small and medium enterprises (SMEs) grow their business with better strategies, tactics and technology.
Our Mission
Our mission is to help small and medium enterprises (SMEs) create sustainable growth by creating logistics operations that make their customers want to buy from them.
Scaling Without Stress means you can focus on building your business, confident that your fulfilment operations will handle any amount of business you can throw at them.
What makes us different?
We’re not a big firm trying to reach down to smaller businesses
- We have a low cost and high value business model that works for SMEs because it delivers value rapidly.
- Mix of consultants and practitioners.
- Strategy development and project delivery. We’re with you from dream to benefit realisation.
Continuously evolving performance improvement model for logistics
- As we learn and grow we build the benefits into our High PerformaceLogistics Model.
- Business process redesign.
- Infrastructure – warehouse design.
- IT systems and technology.
- Organisation development and change management.
We’re logistics specialists who implement specialist logistics software, we’re not an IT company.
- We only implement software & technology in our area of expertise.
- We have strategic partnerships with the software developers and feedback our expertise and market needs to help develop new features required by our clients.
- We implement software in the context of an overall logistics improvement plan – not as an end in itself.
- We make money by helping you make money. We help you deliver your products and services to your customers more efficiently. Everybody wins – you, us and most importantly, your customers.
Implementation is everything
Logistics Help are experts at implementing logistics change programs and software. Implementation is difficult. Many projects fail to deliver the expected gains and some fail to deliver an outcome at all. Expensive equipment and software simply lies under used or unused. Anyone can sell you software and equipment but if the project is not seen through to completion and the realisation of outcomes, the effort will be wasted. Logistics Help are only successful when you are successful, our work is crafted to deliver effective outcomes for your business because we understand what has to be done.
Key outcome of our engagements
We help you create an Integrated logistics operation tailored to your circumstance and aligned with your strategy. Your service to your customers improves and your costs are reduced, you become more competitive and your business can grow with efficient scalable processes.
Have a look at our Case Studies to see the work we do and how we help our clients.
“Everyone is a customer of a warehouse somewhere. I am, you are, the whole world is. As a customer I really don’t care about warehousing, logistics or supply chain… until it lets me down. I just want my delivery! It could be genuinely urgent or I may just desperately want it, either way I don’t want to be let down because I need it to enjoy my life.
My life in supply chain has always been about the person at the end of the supply chain who just needs their delivery. All I ever wanted to do, was to make sure that it happened for them, that I didn’t let them down. Whether they were a patient in intensive care or they needed new tyres for the bike race on the weekend.
At Logistics Help this is what we do for you, we use 21st century logistics practice and technology to help you create a high performance logistics operation so that your customers get what they need, and that you never let them down.”
Andrew J Clark, The Logistics Linchpin and Founder of Logistics Help
Our Guarantee
- At Logistics Help we value our reputation for successfully delivering projects and managing operations as the key to our success.
- Referrals are available on request, our past customers will happily talk to you about how we have helped their business.
- Our aim is to always satisfy our clients expectations by listening, clearly defining what we will deliver and maintaining open and frequent communication during project delivery.
- If at any time during a project, the client does not feel we have lived up to our promise, or presented substandard deliverables, then we will work to rectify the issue to the satisfaction of the client at our expense.
The Logistics Linchpin
Andrew J Clark founded Logistics Help to realise his vision of helping Small and Medium Enterprises implement the strategies and technology used in large corporate supply chains.
Careers at Logistics Help – become a Logistics Linchpin

Logistics Help is on a growth path and we believe we’ve tapped into a market with a methodology that has the potential to create significant change and improvement globally. Maybe you’re unsatisfied with your career path in logistics and would like to explore an alternative path that will stretch you to find the limits of your abilities and talents. A path that will not put you in a box and limit you like a corporate career. If that sounds like you then click the button to find out more and express your interest.