High Performance Warehouse Management

Your engine for growth

Build efficiency and productivity into your warehouse through high performance warehouse design

Want more productivity?

Warehouse Layout & Design

An investment in good warehouse design that is appropriate to your business now, and that will support you as you grow, will build productivity into your warehouse for many years to come. Just like an architect needs to understand his client and how they plan to use a building, our consultants will systematically examine all of your business functions and processes and how they interact with your suppliers and customers to ensure you have the best warehouse design.

Need more space?

Storage and Materials Handling

We’ll help you delay or avoid an expensive warehouse relocation by making much better use of your space. Investing in the right storage and materials handling systems can double the storage capacity of your warehouse and boost productivity as well. This may include, racking and shelving, forklifts, stillages for unitising loads, trolleys, conveyors or more advanced technologies such as pick to light or carousels and other goods to man handling systems.

Need more speed and accuracy?

Warehouse Management Systems

A Warehouse Management System provides real time task control over the activities of your warehouse through the use of mobile computers with barcode scanners. This builds speed and accuracy into every process as each physical move is confirmed with an item and location scan.

Need more from your people?

Organsational Development

The best warehouse infrastructure and systems will be wasted without the right staff, structure and training to run the new operation and a change program to ensure the new business design is rolled out effectively throughout the organisation.

We help you communicate the new changes to your staff and explain the reasons for change to help people understand what is happening and why.

We write the business procedures essential to getting the results out of the new operational design and train your staff how to run an efficient, reliable and accurate logistics operation.

We can help you put in place the best organisational structure to support your business growth and recruit the right staff if you need new people.

The end result is a coherent business operation aligned with your business strategy.

12 Principles of High Performance Warehousing

The 12 Principles of High Performance Warehousing eBook by Andrew J Clark will show you the principles we use to help clients unblock their sales and deliver superior service to their customers.